A very warm welcome awaits you at Insch Leslie Premnay Oyne Parish Church on Sunday 9th. February at 10.30am. An especially warm welcome to any visitors who will be worshipping with us.
Please e-mail Susan Donald, Session Clerk with the details on susandonald14@btinternet.com or call her on 01464 820045 or 07716 805879.
If you know of anyone who is ill, bereaved or feeling lonely and you think they would benefit from a visit from a member of our Pastoral Care Team we can be contacted on 07716 884335.
This year’s appeal for used stamps is to support Agroforestry in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. We would be very grateful for any used stamps you are able to donate. There is a post box in the Church vestibule. Thanks to all of you who donate stamps and to Aileen and Fred who trim the stamps for us.
Sincere thanks to the Stewardship Committee and everyone who helped make last night’s Burns Supper such a fantastic evening.
Now available in the vestibule.
urgently requires the following:
• 1ltr Fruit Juice,
• Jam,
• Pasta Sauce,
• Tinned Fish,
• Tinned Tomatoes and
• UHT milk.
They are running low on Cereal bars, Small jars of Coffee, Cup-a-soup, Dry rice, Hot Dogs, Tinned Meat, Instant Mash, Instant Noodles, Jellies, Tinned Custard, Tinned Macaroni, Tinned Potatoes, Rice Pudding, Tinned Spaghetti, Tinned Stewed Steak, Chicken in Sauce, Mince and Pies, Tinned Vegetables and Toiletries.
Meet in Insch Church Hall at 7.30pm.
Unfortunately, this has had to be cancelled. Please let others know. Thank you.