A very warm welcome awaits you on Sunday 8th September at 10.30am. An especially warm welcome to any visitors who may be worshipping with us.
Worship will be led by Rev Ian Manson who is here to preach as sole nominee for the Parish of Insch-Leslie-Premnay-Oyne Parish Church.
During this period of vacancy our Interim Moderator is Rev. Alison Jaffrey can be contacted on 01651 891961 or via e-mail at ajaffrey@churchofscotland.org.uk for all pastoral matters.
Please e-mail Susan Donald, Session Clerk with the details on susandonald14@btinternet.com or call her on 01464 820045 or 07716 805879.
Please e-mail Susan Donald, Session Clerk with the details on susandonald14@btinternet.com or call her on 01464 820045 or 07716 805879.
REV IAN MANSON will preach as Sole Nominee for the Parish of Insch-Leslie-Premnay-Oyne at 10.30am. Anyone who is on the Electoral Register is entitled to a vote and if anyone wishes to check that they are on the Electoral Register they should contact Susan Donald, Session Clerk by e-mail susandonald14@btinternet.com or telephone on 01464 820045.
There will be tea, coffee, sandwiches, sausage rolls, cheese scones and a fine piece in the Church Hall after the service. if anyone would like to be part of the rota to bake or serve, please add your name and contact details to the Volunteer Sheet on the table in the Vestibule.
KIRK SESSION & CONGREGATIONAL BOARD will meet in Insch Church Hall at 7.30pm.
SUNDAY WORSHIP at 10.30am will be Elder led.
The Fun and Friendship Group meet in Insch Church Hall from 2 to 4pm. Come and enjoy a fun afternoon.
DRUMDARROCH SERVICE led by Rev. Elspeth McKay from 2.30pm.
The Men’s Breakfast will meet at St Drostan’s at 8.30am. Usual bacon / sausages on a roll and vegetarian option. There will be a donation which will go to a local charity. Please join us, it will be great to meet up again. See Facebook Page for more information.
SUNDAY WORSHIP will be led by Rev. Elspeth McKay from 10.30pm.
FOUDLAND COURT SERVICE led by Rev. Elspeth McKay from 2.30pm.
The Theme this year is MUSIC. It could be a band, singer, musical style or instrument, as long as it contains a word relating to Harvest.
Registration forms are available from Pamela at Stephens DIY from Monday 2nd September or email ruach71@btinternet.com. Bags of straw will be available from 28 Western Road, Insch from Monday 9th September 2024.
Donations for the raffle would be appreciated.
HARVEST THANKSGIVING with the Strathbogie Fiddlers in Insch Church at 10.30am.
FAMILY QUIZ in Insch Church Hall at 6.30pm for 7pm start. £10 for a team of 4. Bring your own Basket. Donations of raffles would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel this event. We will still do our Christmas Hamper Draw, so we would still appreciate items for the hampers. More details will follow.